Friday, June 10, 2011

Generous Justice

I recommend a book. This is actually a big statement coming from me because I have 3 little kids and besides the Bible, I hardly ever make time to read. Reading books is mainly one of those far off things I plan on doing when my kids are grown and I actually have spare time. But today I'm on vacation so I have been reading a book and I am really enjoying it. It's "Generous Justice" by Tim Keller.

Reading "Generous Justice" has made me glad that we started Safi Sana and City of Refuge. It has echoed thoughts in my heart about how Jesus loves refugees and immigrants and we should too. And it challenges me to continue to be generous in giving to the poor.

Here is my favorite quote so far:

"Jesus gave us a long list of his disciples' activities. They were to give food and drink to the hungry, which meant emergency relief. But the 'strangers' were immigrants and refugees, and they were to get much more than food. They were to be 'invited in'. They were not merely sent to a shelter but were to be welcomed into the disciples' homes and lives and, it is implied, given advocacy, friendship, and the basics for pursuing a new life in society."

Tim Keller also talked about the concept of gleaning in the Bible. That "small business owners" would not farm all of their land but would leave some of it for the poor to harvest. It was a way for the poor to be able to work and make a living. This reminded me of our concept for our cleaning business, Safi Sana. Some of our workers are those that don't speak English well enough to get jobs in our city. Without the money they make from Safi Sana they would go homeless unless another charity or organization stepped in to help. We are giving them a way to work and provide for their families.

Do you know immigrants or refugees? Invite them "in" just like the disciples were supposed to. If you don't know immigrants or refugees but you want to, we would be happy to introduce you to some! Or join us by supporting us and by doing so you will be helping to care for their needs. How can you support us? Donate your garage sale items because we will have a sale this summer and all the proceeds will be going towards needs of Columbia's refugees. Or send us a tax-deductible check to City of Refuge; 102 Dayspring Dr; Columbia, MO 65203. We delight in caring for the refugees and immigrants and all your money will go straight to caring for their needs.

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